Friday 56 – Don’t Call Me Princess

The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice. The rules are simple – turn to page 56 in your current read (or 56% in your e-reader) and post a few non-spoilery sentences.

Today’s quote is from Don’t Call Me Princess: Essays on Girls, Women, Sex, and Life by Peggy Orenstein.

Page 56 lands in the essay “Caitlin Moran: They Don’t Make Feminists This Outrageous Anymore.”

There is, for instance, the upkeep of that new presumed depilation (“I can’t believe we’ve got to a point where it’s basically costing us money to have a vagina”); the tyranny of stratospheric heels (“The minimum I ask for my footwear: to be able to dance in it and that it not get me murdered”); ever-teenier underpants (“How can 52 percent of the population expect to win the war on terror if they can’t even sit down without wincing?”).

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