Library Loot Wednesday

I’ve gotten six books since I updated last! Forest of Shadows is a tie-in novel that goes between Frozen and Frozen 2. I haven’t yet seen Frozen 2, but I really want to! The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein is another Kiersten White novel, and I’ve loved everything else of hers that I’ve read. The Princess Who Flew With Dragons is the third book in Stephanie Burgis’s series about dragons and chocolate; I’ll be writing a combination trilogy review for those soon.

The last three are Make Your Home Among Strangers, Disaster’s Children, and Beyond the Black Door – an second-generation American story, a climate apocalypse story set in my home state, and a fantasy.

Library Loot Wednesday

Two middle-grade books this week, because a third in the series just came out, and they sound so stinkin’ cute. It’s basically a strong girl-focused series with dragons. So heck yes. The first two – the two I’ve checked out – are The Dragon With A Chocolate Heart and The Girl With The Dragon Heart. The third, which I have a hold on, is The Princess Who Flew With Dragons.

Library Loot Wednesday

Two more books this week, that seems to be my average! Girl of Nightmares is the sequel to the excellent Anna Dressed In Blood, and My Time Among the Whites is a book that came to my attention because some college students decided to burn it. I love how that has backfired by giving the book more publicity. I’d never heard of it until they pulled their stunt!

Library Loot Wednesday

Three books this week; two YA and one nonfiction. Steel Tide is the sequel to Seafire, a sapphic pirate adventure, and Slay is about a young, black, female computer programmer. You Are Your Own is a book about being an ex-evangelical Christian and dealing with the fallout from that, which I am intimately familiar with.